Following on from our recent conversations about the prevalence of the porn epidemic and distortion of healthy sexuality within society and people’s lives. Bonny Logsdon Burns from the USA is doing some itinerant ministry in Australia specifically to address the increasing issue of Sex Addiction and its fallout on Christian marriages. You may not be aware that there are hardly any Christian support networks available in Australia to help bring healing to people struggling with this addiction or to help partners suffering Betrayal Trauma.
Bonny sent this message;
“This issue of pornography and its collateral damage has been slowly and silently growing in Australia. Now, it’s an epidemic, wrecking so many Christian marriages with untold emotional, spiritual, and in some cases physical damage. It is my desire to enable healthy conversations about this issue, and hopefully grow important processes such as support groups, targeted counselling, therapy or coaching to deal with this exploding problem. In addition to holding a Bachelor of Christian Counselling from Liberty University (Virginia, USA), I am an APSATS credentialed recovery coach helping wives heal from the impact of problematic sexual betrayal. I am trained to walk with couples early in their healing journey from sexual betrayal. And I am also a Christian sexuality educator and a pioneer in the arena of educating around healthy, Godly sexuality. I have a thorough biblical knowledge of God’s design for sexuality, and it isn’t “duty sex.” Christopher West says in the Theology of the Body, “To find that which is most sacred in this world, look to that which is most violently profaned.” Sexuality, once sacred and covenantal, is now the enemy’s weapon of choice, exploiting God-given design and desires”.
Some of the topics covered:
– The basics of problematic sexual behaviour, how this behaviour affects the wife/partner,
– How the marriage relationship and children are impacted by the problematic behaviour,
– How porn consumption affects communities.
– How this all ties into spiritual warfare.
Dates: Saturday September 21st
Time: 10.30am – 3.30pm
Frequency: One day intensive
Location: Genesis Church @148 Eastlake Drive, Carrara
Capacity: 100
Facilitators: Bonny Logsdon Burns from USA
Contact: [email protected]
Dates and Times
10:30 am - 3:30 pm
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