Supernatural Change

What really changed when you were” born again?” The correct answer to that question is foundational for receiving from God. If you lack this basic understanding, you’ll forever ask yourself doubt-filled questions like: “How could God love somebody like me?” and  “How can I possibly expect to receive anything from The Lord? I don’t deserve it, I’m not good enough!”

Spirit, Soul & Body will help you eliminate those and other doubt-filled questions thay destroy your faith. If you have trouble receiving from God, this banquet is a must for you!

Weeks: 6
Start date: Wednesday 21st August
Start time: 7:00- 8:30pm
Frequency: Weekly
Location: 251 the Reserve, Varsity parade, Varsity lakes
Capacity: 15
Facilitator: William Petterson

Dates and Times
August 21, 2024 - September 25, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Please be aware that even though it is free for you to attend the banquets hosted through Banquet5, there is a substantial investment made from the facilitators of the banquets, there are financial investments for resources, and for the locations hosting the banquets.

We ask that out of respect of these matters, you make every effort to attend this banquet after submitting your booking so that the resources invested in to for you do not go to waste.

Thank you!